4th annual Columbia Gorge International Film Festival
Scroll down for Trailers, Official Selections, The Program & The Winners.
FILM TITLE, Director runtime (Origin)
- 1 Giant Leap – What About Me, Jamie Catto 120m (CA, USA)
- 2 Scoops Of Love, Rebecca Berrih 3m (CA, USA)
- 5 Minutes Each, Vojin Vasovic 10m (Canada/Siberia/Montenegro)
- 7 Minutes, Carlos Valenzuela 10m (MO, USA)
- 7 Years Underground: A 60’s Tale, Jason M. Solomon 87m (CA, USA)
- 15 Summers Later, Pedro Collantes 5m (Spain)
- 36 , The, Nic Weinfeld 7m (MD, USA)
- 401(k) Magic, Mike Zeko 54m (PA, USA)
- 2010 Snipe Women’s Worlds, Vincent Casalaina 4m (CA, USA)
- Absent, Richie Siegel 7m (MI, USA)
- Acting = Intensity + Rebellion, Edward Hewitt JR 4m (CA, USA)
- Adam, Adi Putra 6m (CA, USA)
- Addicted, Jesus Galindo 15m (CA, USA)
- Adler’s Bus Stop, Christopher Morgan 8m (UT, USA)
- Adultolescense, Vicky Shen 93m (CA, USA)
- Adventures of Emo Lee: Way of the Basketball, The, Bryan Pasian 8m (NY, USA)
- After the Shearing, Vanessa Rojas 10m (CA, USA)
- Aldo Leopold at Farville Grove, Charles Johannsen 48m (IL, USA)
- Ali and Paul, Bob Ridgley 15m (WA, USA)
- Alley Fantasy, Show Takeuchi 5m (Japan)
- Among Giants, Chris Cresci 14m (WA, USA)
- Almost Invisible – The Trailer 2m (VA, USA)
- Alone, Ethan Seneker 8m (WA, USA)
- Amorosa, Armen Karaoghlanian 12m (CA, USA)
- Antihero, Joseph Weindi 83m (VA, CA)
- Atrophy, Derek Carter 12m (USA)
- Avarice, Levon Mergian 12m (FL, USA)
- Back By 6, Peter Connelly 28m (Belgium)
- Bad Apple, Victor Masters 7m (CA, USA)
- Bag, The, Ray Nomoto Robison 25m (OR, USA)
- Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jane, The, Marie Losier 75m (NY, USA)
- Balls, Jeremy Smith 7m (AK, USA)
- Bang Bang, Marcus Liberski 2m (NY, USA)
- Bardo, Zac Frank 15m (MA, USA)
- Beatboxing – The Fifth Element of Hip Hop, Klaus Schneyder 55m (NY, USA)
- Behind Barbed Wire, Blake Feldman 10m (USA)
- Behind the Hole, Saori Yamamoto 17m (NY, USA)
- Between the Harvest, Scott Drucker 29m (CA, USA)
- Binder World, Bianca Costantino 1m (MA, USA)
- Bodhisattva, San Banarje 87m (India)
- Bout, Michael Chrisco 16m (USA)
- Boy’s Journey, A, Bob Ridgley 10m (WA, USA)
- Breaking the Silence: Gay Youth in an American Town, Ittai Orr 25m (NY, USA)
- Breathe, Liam Garvo 9m (United Kingdom)
- Bright, Benjamin Busch 40m (MI, USA)
- Broken, Danny Gilmore 6m (WA, USA)
- Broken Heart of Gnocchi Bolognese, The, Katherine Vondy 18m (CA, USA)
- Brutal Beauty, Chip Mabry 79m
- Burial Island, Ray & Migdalia Etheridge 10m (FL, USA)
- Burma: Reflections on a Hidden Land 70m Sean Cassidy & Patricia Keith (ID/WA, USA)
- Bush League, Cy Kuckenbaker 70m (CA, USA)
- Building Blocks, Vanessa Chan 3m (USA)
- By the Numbers, Genevieve Pearson 2m (WA, USA)
- Callback, Jakob Brossmann 11m (Austria)
- Carried Away, Zachary Arthur Parrish 5m (USA)
- Celebrities in Disgrace, Elizabeth Searle 15m (MA, USA)
- Cerulean Blue, Charles Johannsen & Dal Lazlo 31m (IL, USA)
- Challenging Impossibility, Natabara Mark Rollosson 28m (NY, USA)
- Chandarayaan, Santhosh George Kulangara 86m (India)
- Chasing Legends, Jason Berry 90m (Belgium/France)
- Chasing Water, Peter McBride 18m (CO, USA)
- Checkpoint, Ruben Amar 18m (AK, USA)
- Citizen Mayor, Koi Walker 80m (WA, USA)
- Clickin’ For Love, Pablo Pappano 88m (CA, USA)
- Clifford Lurge: Inaugural Planner, Hunter Davis 6m (CA, USA)
- Commencement, Benjamin Kegan 7m (IL, USA)
- Community Harvest, Brandon Kramer 9m (DC, USA)
- Confessions of a Paralyzed Robot, Alex Haney 9m (FL/NY, USA)
- Coup de Cinema, Sean Parker & Austin Hillebrecht 93m (OR, USA)
- Creepy Guy, Anthony Adornetto & Ryan Maples 5m (CA, USA)
- Critical Mass: 719, Devin Schwyhart 7m (KS, USA)
- Cueb, Alex Knoll 1m (USA)
- daKings, Kenneth Elvebakk 58m (Norway)
- Daddy’s Girl, Triana Collins 17m (WA, USA)
- Dancing on the Edge, Alexander MacKenzie 92m (WA, USA)
- Dancing Lessons, Mark Waren 90m (OR, USA)
- Deadline, Bang Yao Liu 2m (USA)
- Definition, Jeremy Gemetta 15m (NY, USA)
- Distant Beats, Sriramkumar Vegaraju 100m (India)
- Documentary of a Skater, The, Alex Itkis 3m (OR, USA)
- Dog Eat Dog, Curtis Jensen 7m (Canada)
- Eater, The, Wally Chung 3m (NY, USA)
- El Derecho de Jesús– The Right of Jesus, Jesus Galindo 91m (CA, USA)
- Elaphantis, Janie Stamm 1m (USA)
- Elephant in the Room, Robert Roa 3m (NJ, USA)
- Ella, Nicky Cairney 6m (UK)
- Emmett’s Last Stand, Brian Patterson 21m (IL, USA)
- Enough is Enough, Charles Howard II 20m (NV, USA)
- Enroute, Colin Levy 8m (USA)
- Entanglement, Ranae Radford 6m (CA, USA)
- Everyday Sunshine: The Sotry of Fishbone, Christopher Metzler 107m
- Exit, The, Sudipta Chakraborty 12m (India)
- Extintion II.- Quadrature of the Circles, Fernando Usón Forniés 11m (Spain)
- Family, “Pamilya” Jerry Monckton 8m (OR, USA)
- Family Values, Matthew Jenkin 7m (Australia)
- Fast Food Mystery Shoppers, Anthony Adornetto & Ryan Maples 15m (CA, USA)
- Feast, The, David Paladino 3m (AK, USA)
- Field of Screams, Devin Schwyhart 3m (KS, USA)
- Figure / Ground, Daniel Henry (TN, USA) (2)
- Final Straw, The, John Wolf 5m (MN, USA)
- Flatmates 3.0, Francesco Marisel 1m, (Mexico)
- Flicker, Landon Donoho 15m (USA)
- Flight Lessons, Neil Helm 1m (USA)
- Flight to the Wall, Bill Matson 89m (CA, USA)
- Focus, Stephen Camardella 2m (USA)
- Following Moment, The, Brisson Ysé 10m (France)
- For the Love of Dance, Christopher Morgan 45m (UT, USA)
- Forever I’ll Love You, Selene Hunnicutt 5m (USA)
- Fowler Formula, The, Tom Parker 11m (OR, USA)
- Freaky Robot, Aldrich Torres 2m (USA)
- Free Shane and Josh, Jeff Kaufman 30m
- Freeriders, Troup Wood 7m (CO, USA)
- Frogtown, C. Andrew Hall 110m (CA, USA)
- From Our Strength: Two Births and Indigenous Identity in Canar, Ecuador, Patricia Keith, Suzanne Morrissey 37m (WA/ID, USA)
- Gentle Men, Jesse Gibbons 8m (Cuba)
- Golden Coin, The, Antonio Medina 5m (FL, USA)
- Goliath, Jaime Fidalgo 6m (Mexico)
- Grace of the Gun, Max Margolin 30m (CA, USA)
- Grade, The, Hollie Olson 9m (WA, USA)
- Grampa Kevorkian, Claire Almon 2m (USA)
- Gray Area, The, Chapin Hemmingway 94m (OR, USA)
- Grease Junkie, Spencer Lenzie 14m (AL, USA)
- Guilty Shoes, Ryan Clausen 11m (WA, USA)
- Hallow’s Eve and the Pumpkin Dream, Adam C Sager 2m (OR, USA)
- Hambushed, Mark McDonald 1m (USA)
- Hanna in Mexico, Jarratt Taylor 12m (Mexico)
- Harold ‘Pepper’ Roberts, Kristen Turk Nghiem 7m (WA, USA)
- Health Glow, Sandor Weiner 16m (NY, USA)
- Heat Wave, Mirel Bran 1m (Romania)
- Heaven Garden, Ari Candido Fernandes 15m (Brazil)
- Hitchcock Reloaded, Mirel Bran 1m (Romania)
- Hitomi, Manu De Smet 20m (Belgium)
- Hokus Croakus, Mark McDonald 1m (USA)
- Home Alone, Sergey Frunze 1m (Russian Federation)
- Home From The War: The Voices of Vietnam, Randall Wilson 56m (CA, USA)
- Homecoming, Sean Hackett 89m (FL, USA)
- Homoerotic Trainer, Hunter Davis 5m (CA, USA)
- Honey-Colored Boy, Fran Kaplan 9m (WI, USA)
- Hounds, The, Robert & Maurizio Del Piccolo 86m (UK)
- I Know a Woman Like That, Elaine Madsen (CA, USA) (1)
- IkonIkon “La Femme Enfant”, Diane Sara 3m (France)
- I Suspect a Watermelon of Sleeping with My Girlfriend, Anthony Adornetto 3m (CA, USA)
- In Between, Tamar Shippony (Israel) (5)
- In Memoriam, Cynthia Granville 8m (US Outlying Islands)
- In Pursuit of a Dream, Bob Noll 84m (MO, USA)
- In the Key of Eli, Phillip Scarpaci 90m (CA, USA)
- In the Shower of My Mind, Jaime Fidalgo 3m (Mexico)
- Internet World, An, Carlo Fiorletta 5m (NJ, USA)
- Intersection, Martijn Schreuder 8m (Netherlands)
- Intruder, Jack Marshall 15m (UK)
- Invitation, Payam Zeinalabedini 30m (Iraq)
- James vs Reality, Chris Wilson & Tim Feeney 35m (WA, USA)
- Jeans & Martò, Claudia Palazzi 52m (Italy)
- John Muir in the New World, Catherie Tatge 82m (NY, USA)
- Joy Division, Beate Antares 12m (CA, USA)
- Just Another Thing, Jon Reno 3m (TN, USA)
- Kabaddi, Bryan McIntyre 7m (WY, USA)
- Keeping the May River Wild, Greg Smith 24m (SC, USA)
- Kevin, Jay Duplass 50m (CA, USA)
- Kwamkit, Pear Nerngchamnog 15m (USA)
- Land of Blossom, “Frutos de Tierra” Jaime Fidalgo 3m (Mexico/Spain)
- Laninbwil’s Gift, Jack Niedenthal 99m (Marshall Islands)
- Last Days of Shaniko, The, Laura DeBar 28m (NC, USA)
- Last Rite, Amy Miketic 13m (NY, USA)
- Last Season, The, David Heine 30m (OR, USA)
- Last Supper, The, Carlo Fiorletta 6m (NJ, USA)
- Lavan, Guilhad Emilio Schenker 20m (Israel)
- Letter to Julia, A “Carta a Julia” David Gonzalez Rudiez 7m (Spain)
- Letting Him Go, Brock Mullins 22m (CA, USA)
- Liemba, Andrew Subin & John Billingsley 50m (VT, USA)
- Life! Camera Action…, Rohit Gupta 90m (NC, USA)
- Life in a Minute, Pedro Collantes 1m (Norway)
- Light, Ufuk Onen 8m (Turkey)
- Line, The, Joe Petrilla 8m (NY, USA)
- LipDub at Calvin College, Rachel Kuyvenhoven 4m (MI, USA)
- Little Change, A, Stewart Broadian 7m (PA, USA)
- Little Miss Muffet for Adults, Adam Lyons 2m (TX, USA)
- Little Things, The, Neil McGregor 87m (Australia)
- Long Distance, Mehreen Bazm 1m (USA)
- Ma Monde, Chrystin Garland 2m (USA)
- Mack, Ben Kadie 22m (WA, USA)
- Marion Stoddart: The Work of 1000, Susan Edwards 30m (MA, USA)
- Masonic Map, The Joseph James 82m (UT, USA)
- Mcdonough, Kyle Stephens 2m (USA)
- Memories “Erinnerungen” Dennis Knickel 16m (Germany)
- Michael’s Story, Adriel Conde 7m (FL, USA)
- Miles Away, Ryan Davis 8m (MA, USA)
- Mild Inconvenience, The, Gene Nagata 4m (CA, USA)
- Mirro, The “Le Miroir” Sebastien Rossignol 15m (France)
- Missing Elizabeth, Carl Billington 7m (WA, USA)
- Model Rules, Ray Nomoto Robinson 10m (OR, USA)
- Molasses, Eric Fono 11m (CA, USA)
- Monster Movie, Steven Hammond 3m (USA)
- Montage Life, Akiyoshi Koba 82m (Japan)
- Moon-Dawg, Ryan Ohm 7m (IL, USA)
- Moon-Prologue of Dreams, Eduardo Rivero 6m (USA)
- Mossgrove/Bed of Moss, Kurtis Hough 10m (OR, USA)
- Moving a Mountain, Gor Baghdasaryn 19m (Armenia)
- Mr. Rich, Aaron Southgate 7m (Australia)
- Mt. Atse in Pursuit of an Ascending Career, Hein van Dijk 6m (Netherlands)
- Musing, A, David Spies 10m (WA, USA)
- My Brother Greg, Philipp Enders 3m (Germany)
- My Cowboy, Srikanth Appalaraju 2m (CA, USA)
- My Dad My Hero, Satya Kharkar 2m (IL, USA)
- My Emily, Brandon Sanford 6m (LA, USA)
- My Journey, Erin O’Brien 7m (MI, USA)
- Nā Makana – The Gifts – Celebrating Hawaiian Culture, Penny Kaela Bauer 39m (WA, USA)
- Narration, Patrick Monroe 6m (KS, USA)
- Nascut Campion, Daniel Soare 19m (Romania)
- Neander-Jin: The Return of Neaderthal Man, Florian Steinbiss 80m (Germany)
- Neutral Territory, Josias Tschanz 76m (Canada)
- New Bicycle, The, Arshdeep Singh Jawandha 14m (CA, USA)
- Night Market Hero, Yeh Tien Lun 123m (Taiwan)
- Night Mori Bachs Remembered Her Dream, Alex Haney 5m (FL/NY, USA)
- Nite Lite, Mariah Dunn 5m (NC, USA)
- No Soliciting, Amy Beth O’Brien 7m (OR, USA)
- Noomsi, Matthew Taylor 3m (WA, USA)
- Northwest: Mt. Rainier, Mt. Hood, Mt. Baker – Austria’s Influence on American Skiing, Ian Scully 5m (MA, USA)
- Nostalgia, Brandon Berger 4m (USA)
- Nowhere Else, Annick Blanc 15m (Canada)
- NRITYAGRAM: For the Love of Dance, Nanette Melville 26m (NY, USA)
- Oblivion, Galo Semblantes 10m (Ecuador)
- Odd One Out, Pawel Wendorff 87m (Poland)
- Odin Doma, Sergey Frunze 1m (Russian Federation)
- Of Frogs and Gods, Brad Pattullo 8m (PA, USA)
- Oh, My God, Frederico Calabuig 2m (Spain)
- Oh Sister, Susan Hippen 2m (NY, USA)
- Once on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Andrés Moret Urdampilleta 11m (CA, USA)
- One Meeting from Beyond the Grave, Ander Duque 4m (Spain)
- One of a Kind, Dixie Pizani 2m (USA)
- One of the Mad Ones, Philip Singer 92m (NY, USA)
- One Punch at a Time, Lawrence Dortch 9m (VA, USA)
- Origin of Mass, Alekzandar Rodic 2m (USA)
- OS, Lee Eubanks 12m (TX, USA)
- Osteo, Genevieve Gilbert-Quach 3m (Canada)
- Overlook, Megan Kappel 4m (PA, USA)
- Oyster Soup, Jason Lin 22m (USA)
- Palindrome Love Story, A, “Se verlas al reves” Pablo Arreba 5m (Spain)
- Pamilya, Jerry Monckton 8m (USA)
- Pandemonium, Danny Gilmore 32m (WA, USA)
- Parallel, Dee Hood 5m (FL, USA)
- Passion, William DiPietra 7m (NY, USA)
- Patrick’s Story, Martin Vavra 16m (OR, USA)
- Pedal-Driven: A Bike-umentary, Jamie Howell 65m (WA, USA)
- Pencil Pancakes, Dan MacKenzie 1m (USA)
- Pennies for Your Thoughts, Ben Molyneux 6m (ID, USA)
- Pennipotens, Heather Freeman 18m (NC, USA)
- Peter Grass is Dead…. Twice, Jean-Jacques Cunnac 25m (France)
- Picnic, The, Ryan M. Moore 15m (CA, USA)
- Piece of Secret, A, Emi 22m (Japan/CA, USA)
- Pillow Girl, Ronnie Cramer 8m (CO, USA)
- Plainclothes Agent, Sarem Yadegari 50m (CA, USA/Iran)
- Plight of the Earth Fairy, Kim Sheridan 8m (CA, USA)
- Pochito, Lorena Rother 3m (USA)
- Power of the Word, Sara Banks (HI, USA) (4)
- Powerful – Energy for Everyone, David Chernushenko 95m (Canada)
- Premiere, Bernabe Rico, Ander Duque 6m (Spain)
- Preserving the Past: Topeka’s Jayhawk Theater, Juli Pitzer 20m (KS, USA)
- Press, Kazuyuki Akashi 79m (Japan)
- Railway Signal, Amir Michalovich (Israel) (3)
- Ranger from Kelly Street, The, Jack Swanstrom 12m (United Aram Emirates)
- Rats & Bullies, Cassidy McMillan 85m (CA, USA)
- Rebecca&Alice, Drew Dickler 8m (PA, USA)
- Reco, Chris Adler 23m (UT, USA)
- Red Haired Black, “Rött Här/ Svart”, Alfonso Diaz, Luis Angel Perez 4m (Spain)
- Red Hood, The, Zachary Karamalegos 15m (USA)
- Reliever!, The, Marcus Mizelle 8m (LA, USA)
- Return, The, Victor Masters 1m (CA, USA)
- Reverie, Paula Wood 7m (USA)
- ReVision, Angela Pesta 80m (WA, USA)
- Rick and Roy, Gabriel Bruskoff 2m (CA, USA)
- Ridicula, Domingo J. González 15m (Spain)
- Right of Jesus, The “El Derecho de Jesus” Joseph Galindo 91m (CA, USA)
- Rising Path, Ian Pilger 1m (USA)
- River Runs Through Us, A, Carla Pataky 22m (Mexico)
- Rockstar, Evan Perry 1m (USA)
- Romantic Killer, The, Phillip Berg 15m (Denmark)
- Roustabout, Andrew Sheffield 8m (CA, USA)
- Run, Daryl-Lynn Ramsay 5m (Canada)
- Sack Lunch, Jacqueline Gault 5m (OR, USA)
- Sadako, Andy Mai 1m (USA)
- Safe, The, Garrick Duckler 7m (AL, USA)
- Salaam Dunk, David Fine 90m (Iran/WA, USA)
- Same Station, Ashwin Inamdar 1m (USA)
- Sand Factory, The, Chloe Aktas 5m (NC, USA)
- Save the Planet, Jesus Galindo 15m (CA, USA)
- Scamp, Ryan Charlick 15m (AK, USA)
- Schooner or Later, Carole Stabile 29m (WA, USA)
- Scream, The Mirel Bran 2m (Romania)
- Second Times of Trouble, The, Erik Anderson 117m (Canada)
- Second to None, Randy Rice 89m (CA, USA)
- Secret Club, Ben Kadie 3m (WA, USA)
- Seed, Shu Tsen Liu 4m (USA)
- Serpent and the Shadow, the, Jeff Martin 6m (CA, USA)
- Set Me Free, Hugo Teugels 15m (Belgium)
- Shock Troop, Michael Chan 6m (CA, USA)
- Shouters and the ‘Control Freak’ Empire, Oyetayo Raymond Ojoade 28m (Trinidad/Tobago)
- Shrove Tuesday, Daniel Jones 37m (Australia)
- Shudder House, Joey Dello Russo 15m (OR, USA)
- Simulacra, Sumie Garcia 12m (USA)
- Slagathor, Danny Gilmore 6m (WA, USA)
- Smith Hill, Craig Looney 78m (OR, USA)
- Snow Balled, Amanda Christensen 1m (USA)
- Soft Power Health, Polly Green 19m (New Zealand)
- Somewhere near Tapachula, Stefan Hunt 35m (NY, USA/Australia/Mexico)
- Song for Anna, Eliezer Katzoff 15m (USA)
- Soundtrack, Jaime Fidalgo 9m (Spain)
- Space, Jordan Rempel 2m (USA)
- Special Gift, A, Will Hoag 2m (USA)
- Spinning, John Jacobsen 12m (WA, USA)
- SpokAnarchy, David Halsell 85m (WA, USA)
- Square One “Rooz Az No”, Navid Azad 20m (Iran)
- Stalker, Damien Patrik 3m (CO, USA)
- Standing for the World, Maria Comparini 5m (NY, USA)
- Stay, Aaron Chan 8m (Canada)
- Step Mother, The, Arturo Sanchez Gonzalez 13m (CA, USA)
- Stepping into the Stream (v.2), Barbara Klutinis 30m (CA, USA)
- Steps, Matthew Heimbecker 3m (USA)
- Stitched High, Jonathan Graef 3m (USA)
- Stomach Ache, Moon Blaisse 7m (Belgium)
- Story, The, Steve Bellamy 93m (CA, USA)
- Students Saving the Ocean, L Militello (CA, USA) (2)
- Sub, Jordan Rempel 2m (USA)
- Sugar Baby, Trisha Ray 118m (TX, USA)
- Sumie, Nyssa Benthin 3m (USA)
- Summer of the Zombies, Edward Beasley 11m (CA, USA)
- Surviving Extinction, Dan Daily 33m (FL, USA)
- Talk, Callie Lane 9m (UK)
- Tango Noir, Bill Brown 20m (WA, USA)
- Tasnim, Elite Zexer 12m (Israel)
- Teddybear, Marcus Liberski 4m (NY, USA/Denmark)
- Tell Me a Secret, Dave McLeod 3m (Canada)
- There Is No Goodbye, Pablo Bullejos 16m (Spain)
- There Once Was, Fay Helfer 1m (USA)
- This Blows, Donald West 1m (USA)
- This Thing of Ours, Jamison Claxton 22m (NJ, USA)
- Threads of Remorse, Nina Lescher 33m (CA, USA)
- Three Days, Juliann Anderson 24m (AZ, USA)
- Three Families Part I, Aexis Liester 35m (WA, USA)
- Three Sides, Barry Kivel 7m (CA, USA)
- Through the Red Door, Josh Johnson 31m (CA, USA)
- Tiger Rag, Harrison Stark 2m (USA)
- Time to Relax, Bård Ivar Engelsås 2m (Norway)
- Titarius – D.O.A., charles Quinn Frutos 4m (OR, USA)
- To Each His Own, Chase Smith 11m (CA, USA)
- Tonight’s Special, Timothy Watkins 9m (WA, USA)
- Toy House, Yunjeong Ko 2m (NJ, USA)
- Tryst, Stuart Condy 13m (UK)
- Turn of the Blinds, A, Mary Beth Rim 14m (PA, USA)
- Two, Abdullah Badawy 6m (USA)
- Two Little Boats, Kate Raney 3m (IL, USA)
- Un-Human, Devon Gidley 72m (OR, USA)
- Uncle Louie, R. Allen Russell 90m (AK, USA)
- Under the Covers, David Woods 4m (UK)
- Unholy Grail, The, Eric Urban 1m (USA)
- Unsaid, Michael Bonomo 6m (CA, USA)
- Veronica, Heran Hao 16m (NY, USA)
- Vincent Van Gogh and the Crow, Jennifer Gassman 7m (KS, USA)
- Voices of Sculpture, Chris Campbell 30m (NJ, USA)
- Waiting Chairs, The, Ashwin Inamdar 1m (USA)
- Walking through the Mist I-II, Kurtis Hough 8m (OR, USA)
- Wally and Zip, Marci Hunnsicker 2m (USA)
- Wanteds: The Part of Rock and Roll They Never Tell You About, The, Stephanie Smith 87m (OR, USA)
- War Paint, Marcus Liberski 14m (NY, USA/Denmark)
- Waterfall, Braide Keyland 10m (CA, USA)
- We Met Online, Yingqian Wang 12m (IL, USA)
- Well Gnome Fugitive, A, Grant Babbitt 6m (KS, USA)
- What’s Up?, Kim Sheridan 8m (CA, USA)
- Whatever Makes You Happy, A. T. Sayre 118m (MA, USA)
- Which Shall It Be?, Jonathan Albert Murphy 7m (Brazil)
- Windows, Bill Neff 4m (MT, USA)
- Winter Rose, Anita George 6m (CA, USA)
- Wish You Were Here, James O’Brien 90m (CA, USA)
- Without Wings, Jo Meuris 4m (Canada)
- Woman in the Room, The, Christen Kimbell 8m (OR, USA)
- Women in the Dirt: Landscape Architects Shaping Our World, Carolann Stoney 73m (CA, USA)
- Woods, The, Gabriel Bruskoff 5m (CA, USA)
- Word, The, James Joyce 8m (MT, USA)
- Workers Leaving the Factory, Anna Linke 10m (Germany)
- Wretched Auteur’s 81,000 Frames, The, Jake Koenekamp 49m (ID, USA)
- Write Off, The, Alec Whittle 8m (WA, USA)
- Yesterday is Here, Alfonso Lozada 86m (NY, USA)
- You and Your Family, Cime Bruce 15m (OR, USA)
- 13 Stations, Lauren Hoekstra S (CA, USA)
- All Earthly Constraints, Ryan M. Moore M (CA, USA)
- Alone With Her Chocolate, Carrie Lee M (WA, USA)
- Along the Way, Alejandro Leopardi L (CA, USA)
- American Ridge, Carl B. Clark L (SC, USA)
- Average Joe, Peter B Nesbitt L (AL, USA)
- Ballad of Annie Oakes, The, Joshua Hannah M (Australia)
- Bane, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Best Before, Romi Moondi L (Canada)
- Best of Both Worlds, The, Peter Gazdag L (CA, USA)
- Between the Bars, John Francis M (VA, USA)
- Bewiched, Teresa Decher M (CA, USA)
- Biggest Break-Up (Ever), The, Peter Gazdag L (CA, USA)
- Blinda, Vicki Bartholomew M (OR, USA)
- Blood Trigger, Ron Podell M (MI, USA)
- Brownest Eye, The, Chelsea Grayson L (NY, USA)
- Buckingham’s Palace, Steve Pickle M (FL, USA)
- Bullies for Rent, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Burn, Derek Willis L (CA, USA)
- Cabin Call, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Chinese Disco, John Harris (L) (VA, USA)
- Chinese Gift, The, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Co-Eds, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- Craigslist Honeymoon, The, Natalie Hanson L (WA, USA)
- Credit Hot Line, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Dead Hand, The, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- Dinner to Remember, A, Stuart Creque M (CA, USA)
- Dog Day, Lauren Hoekstra S (CA, USA)
- Faith, Youssef Ouarrak L (Poland)
- Family Guy ‘Fixer Upper’, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- Farm, The, Chris Hite S (CA, USA)
- Four Crows, Jesus Galindo L (CA, USA)
- Getting Over Goshen, Dennis Willson L (AZ, USA)
- Grave and the rose, The, Pete Robertson L (OR, USA)
- Grizzly, Chris Hewitt S (LA, USA)
- He Knows, Stuart Creque S (CA, USA)
- Hoax, Matt Allen L (CO, USA)
- Holy Hell in Cuba, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Hooked, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- Hosing Faji, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- I’m a Dancer, Darnell Reid S (PA, USA)
- Insurgency, Shalmaine Atkins L (MD, USA)
- Journal, The, Braide Keyland L (CA, USA)
- Kiarsidia, The, Bruce Golde L (IN, USA)
- Kidnap Wish, The, Teague Kennedy L (US Outlying Islands)
- Keep the Change, Lee Chambers S (Canada)
- Lana Lui, David Schroeder S (FL, USA)
- Language of Love, Katarzyna Kochany M (Canada)
- Last Fairytale Chronicles, Dadrea Heron S (NY, USA)
- Layla, Ron Podell S (MI, USA)
- Legend of McCoy Mountain & The Gold 45 Revolver, The, Elliot McGucken L (CA, USA)
- Life and Afterlife of Jing Jing Wang, The, Jamie Read L (OR, USA)
- Light Harvester, The, Jason Howden S (New Zealand)
- Man from Nowhere, The, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Martyrdom of Madeline Slezak, The, Dale Andersen L (CA, USA)
- Matter of Economics – Episode One – The Interview, A, Kelly Frey S (TN, USA)
- Michael’s Ride, Alexander MacKenzie L (WA, USA)
- Muscinae, Akiko Carver L (WA, USA)
- Mustache Power, Nick Commella S (TX, USA)
- No More Spiders, Carrie Lee M (WA, USA)
- On My Way, Drew Repp L (CA, USA)
- Peepsie, Tom Radovich S (IL, USA)
- Plume, Teague Kennedy L (US Outlying Islands)
- Psych 101, Kelly Frey S (TN, USA)
- Queen of Vegas, Peter Gazdag L (CA, USA)
- Rebels With Out Limes, Derek Willis M (CA, USA)
- Red Lights Over Hong Kong, Roberto Marrero L (FL, USA)
- Romance and Higher Primates, Heidi DuBose L (MT, USA)
- Saint Anthony’s Short Film Script, Matthew Feely S (CA, USA)
- Sari, Wrong Number, Brian Erwin L (CA, USA)
- Scratchers, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- Silence, John Edward Flynt L (FL, USA)
- Snap!, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- Sons of Molly, Peter Gazdag L (CA, USA)
- Starting Over, Maria Rosario A. Yano L (AZ, USA)
- Suck on This, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- Sunset Fire, Rick Brandelli L (CA, USA)
- Talk of Mifton, Crime Bruce L (OR, USA)
- Transmontanus, Mark Donnell L (AK, USA)
- Tropical, Shanti Rajini M (Australia)
- Trueheart, Jerry Rector L (CA, USA)
- Truth We Choose, The, Natalie Hanson L (WA, USA)
- Twelve Nuns, Roberto Merrero L (FL, USA)
- Voyeur, The, John Bengel L (CA, USA)
- We Are Strong, Chris Hite S (CA, USA)
- Weapon of Choice, David Allingham L (VA, USA)
- When You’re Dead, David Schroeder S (FL, USA)
- Wisdom of the Ancients, Mark Perlick S (CA, USA)
- Wringley & King, Cornelius Murphy S (NY, USA)
- Yellow Balloon, The, CarrieAnn Lee S (WA, USA)
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THE TRIANGLE AWARD Dancing on the Edge
Best Feature Antihero
Best Feature Documentary Women in the Dirt: Landscape Architects Shaping our World
Best Shorter Summer of Zombies
Best Shorter Documentary Among Giants
Best Shortest Balls
Best Animation Pennipotens
Best Experimental Walking Through the Mist I-II
Music Video Titarius D.O.A.
Script The Journal
International Feature Neutral Territory
Feature Frogtown
Short Letting Him Go
Shorter Tango Noir
Shortest Acting = Intensity + Rebellion
Mini The Return
Script Along the Way
Feature ReVision
Short From our Strength Two Births and Indigenous Identity in Canar, Ecuador
Shorter Ali and Paul
Shortest Three Sides
Short Three Days
Shorter OS
Shortest Passion
Mini My Cowboy
Feature:Smith Hill
Feature Documentary Dancing Lessons
Short Emmett’s Last Stand
Shorter Spinning
Shorter Documentary The Fowler Formula
Shortest Sack Lunch
Script Between the Bars
Feature:Laninbwil’s Gift
Short Shouters and the Control Freak
Feature Uncle Louie, In the Key of Eli
Documentary Feature Home from the War: Voices of Vietnam
Shorter Scamp
Shortest The Last Supper
Local The Wanteds
For Kids 401(k) Magic
Travel Burma-Reflections of a Hidden Land
Veterans Flight to the Wall, Harold “Pepper“ Roberts
Music SpokAnarchy!
History Northwest: Austria’s Influence on American Skiing
Special In Memorian
Feature The Right of Jesus
International Feature Odd One Out
Shorter Heaven Garden
Shortest 2 Scoops of Love
Special Homecoming
Script Starting Over
Medium Script Alone with her Chocolate
Feature I Know a Woman Like That
Feature Documentary Kevin
Short Challenging Impossibilty
Shortest Breaking the Silence
Script The Life and Afterlife of Jing Jing Wang
Feature Wretched Autuer’s 81,000 Frames
Short Lavan
Shorter Molasses
Shortest Unsaid
Mini Hitchcock Reloaded
Script The Light Harvester
Medium Script Rebels without Limes